Biography of sardaunan sokoto caliphate

How did ahmadu bello died

In , he was conferred with the prestigious title of the Sardauna of Sokoto and deployed to Gusau with responsibilityfor the Eastern Division of Sokoto province comprising .

biography of sardaunan sokoto caliphate

How did sardauna of sokoto died

Sir Ahmadu Bello’s biography is a story of courage, perseverance, diligence, honesty, patriotism and service to mankind.

Tarihin ahmadu bello sardauna

The new Sultan, Sir Ahmadu Bello, immediately appointed him to the Sokoto Native Authority Council and bestowed upon him the chieftaincy title of Sardauna (Crown Prince) of Sokoto.

Sir ahmadu bello children
Sir Ahmadu Bello, popularly known as the Sardauna of Sokoto is arguably one if not the most politically powerful man to have walked the northern Hemisphere of Nigeria.