Samuel de champlain timeline exploration

What was samuel de champlain looking for

Samuel de Champlain began his journey up the Ottawa River, passing through the Lac des Népissingues (Lake Nipissing), the Rivière des Français (French River) and the great Lac .

samuel de champlain timeline exploration

How many voyages did samuel de champlain go on

Samuel de Champlain boarded the Bonne-Renommée at Honfleur, France, destined for New France, as a private passenger on Gravé Du Pont's expedition.

Samuel de champlain exploration

Comes to North America as an observer on a fur-trading expedition led by Francois Grave Du Pont.
What did samuel de champlain discover
Known as the “Father of New France,” Samuel de Champlain played a major role in establishing New France from 1603 to 1635.